
Science-Based Workouts: What It Really Means

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Science-Based Workouts: What It Really Means

At Activate Body Personal Training, we talk a lot about science-based workouts. But what does that actually mean?

Surprisingly, it’s not about following some groundbreaking fitness discovery. 

Instead, it’s about knowing what fitness information to ignore.

Let me explain.

Science-Based Workouts: What It Really Means

The Overwhelming World of “Fitness”

“Fitness” is a broad term.

It can refer to how you exercise.

How you eat.

How you rest.


“Fitness” can also refer to the quest to achieve a near infinite variety of goals:

  • Losing weight 
  • Getting stronger 
  • Improving endurance 
  • And so on.

Because fitness is so broad, the sheer volume of information out there is staggering.

Some of it’s good. 

Some of it’s bad. 

Confusingly, most of the time it’s both, depending on the context of what goal you’re pursuing.

To make things worse, many fitness programs, influencers, and companies want you to believe their approach is the magic bullet you’ve been missing.

You’ve probably seen things like:

  • “The exact workout that got your favorite celebrity in shape for their new movie!”
  • “Three weird foods that eliminate stubborn belly fat!” 
  • “The one secret exercise to tone your arms!”

Even when the advice is solid, it’s rarely clear if it’s right for you—your body, your fitness level, and your goals.

The Secret to Good Fitness Information

Here’s the real secret:

Out of all the ways you could work out (and there are many!), good fitness advice boils down to choosing the right exercises for you and doing them the right way to reach your goals.

Achieving your fitness goals isn’t about working out harder.

It’s about working out smarter.

Knowing what fitness advice you can ignore so that you don’t exhaust yourself trying to do a million things. 

A few examples of common fitness advice that you disregard: 

  • An effective workout requires you to push yourself to the limit. 
  • “No pain, no gain.” 
  • You need to do regular cardio if you want to lose weight.

Science Always Works

Simply put, exercise is about creating a specific stimulus that tells your body how to respond—whether that’s losing weight, building strength, or improving flexibility.

Science-based workouts take the guesswork out of this process. 

They use proven methods to identify:

  • Which exercises work best for your goals. 
  • How to perform them safely based on your fitness level, aches, or injuries.

So how do you identify if your workout is science based?

Ask yourself “why” each component of the workout is included. 

If there’s not a reason that directly relates to your body and your goals, then it may not be relying on science to determine what is included. 

If you work with a fitness professional, ask them why they built your workout the way they did.

If they can’t answer that in detail, it could be a red flag.

Smarter Workouts. Better Results.

At Activate Body Personal Training, every workout is tailored to you.

We don’t chase trends or fads. 

Instead, we cut through the noise to provide a clear, data-driven path to success.

If you’re tired of wondering which advice to follow—or frustrated because your efforts haven’t led to the results you want—science-based training can help.

Let’s make your workouts smarter, not harder.

To your success,

Ben Supik
Activate Body Personal Training

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